Montag, 26. November 2012

Zedd s eyes never left hers as he slowly shook his head

Zedd's eyes never left hers as he slowly shook his head. 'Not while any of us are alive. The Palace of the Prophets is in a spell of time. Richard will be there for the next three hundred years while they train him. We will never see him again. He is lost to this world.'  

Kahlan shook her head. 'No. Dear spirits, no. That can't be. We will see him. It can't be true!'  

'True, Mother Confessor. You have put him beyond any help. I will never again see my grandson. You will never again see him. Richard will not return to this world for another three hundred years. Because of you. Because you made him put on that collar to prove he loves you.1 commentTweetThe yellow">">yellow nike air max 90+ 2012 boasts a tremendous range of colorblocking possibilities thanks to its layered Hyperfuse construction, but even with all this modern technology at work, some of the best colorways all year have been the most basic..'  

He turned his back to her. Kahlan fell to her knees. 'Noooo!' She beat her fists on the floor. 'Dear spirits, why have you done this to me!' She cried in choking sobs. 'Richard, my Richard.'  

'What happened to your hair, Mother Confessor?' Zedd asked in a menacing voice, his back still to her.  

Kahlan sat back on her heels. What did it matter anymore. 'The council convicted me of treason. I have been sentenced to be executed. To be beheaded. The people all cheered at the pronouncement of sentence. They all wanted to see it done. But I escaped.'  

Zedd nodded. 'The people shall have their wish.' He grabbed what was left of her hair in his fist and started dragging her from the room. 'For what you have done, you shall be beheaded.?With a distinct gradient perforation that can't be compared to all that many designs in history, Hussein Chalayan's Puma Haast places its name alongside standouts like the Air Moire and its women">">women nike air max 90 vt 90 Current hybrid..'  

'Zedd!' she screamed. 'Zedd! Please, don't do this!'  

He used magic to drag her down the hall like a sack of feathers.  

'Tomorrow, at the winter solstice festival, the people shall have their wish. They shall see the Mother Confessor beheaded. As First Wizard, I will see to it. I shall see it done.'  

Kahlan went limp. What did it matter? The good spirits had abandoned her. They had stripped her of everything that mattered.  

Worse, she herself had condemned Richard to three hundred years of the thing he feared most.  

She wanted to die. Death couldn't come fast enough for her.  

Richard stood with his hands on his hips as he watched the dark clouds made by spells in the distance, in the Valley of the Lost. They looked beautiful in the sunrise, with golden edges and striations of glowing rays. But he knew they were deadly.  

Du Chaillu put an affectionate hand to his arm. 'My husband makes me proud this day. He returns our land to us, as the old words have foretold.1 commentTweetThe upcoming VNTG and EM renditions of women">">women nike air max 90 classics act like opposites of one another, with one going the rewind route and adding some aged yellowing and the other upgrading the build with Engineered Mesh.czfnk11.'  

'I've explained it to you a dozen times, Du Chaillu; I am not your husband. You have simply misinterpreted the old words. It only means we must do this together. And we haven't done it yet. I wish you would have come with me without bringing everyone else. I don't even know if this will work. We could be killed.'  

She patted his arm reassuringly. The Caharin has come. He can do anything. He will return our land.' She left him to his thoughts and started back to the camp. 'All our people should be with us. It is their right.' She stopped and turned back. 'Will we be leaving soon, Caharin?'  

'Soon,' Richard said absently.


 'Hahaha,' said the Fool, clutching his head. 'Bit short of them where I come from.' 
Someone tapped Hwel on the shoulder. He turned and looked into a craggy, hairy face under an iron helmet. The dwarf in question was tossing a throwing axe up and down in a meaningful way. 
'You ought to tell your friend to be a bit less funny,' he suggested. 'Otherwise he will be amusing the demons in Hell!' 
Hwel squinted at him through the alcoholic haze. 
'Who're you?' he said. 
'Grabpot Thundergust,' said the dwarf, striking his chain-mailed torso. 'And I say-' 
Hwel peered closer. 
'Here, I know you,' he said. 'You got a cosmetics mill down Hobfast Street. I bought a lot of greasepaint off you last week-' 
A look of panic crossed Thundergust's face. He leaned forward in panic. 'Shutup, shutup,' he whispered. 
'That's right, it said the Halls of Elven Perfume and Rouge Co.,' said Hwel happily. 
'Ver' good stuff,' said Tomjon, who was trying to stop himself from sliding off the tiny bench.1 commentTweetThe yellow">">yellow nike air max 90+ 2012 boasts a tremendous range of colorblocking possibilities thanks to its layered Hyperfuse construction, but even with all this modern technology at work, some of the best colorways all year have been the most basic.. 'Especially your No. 19, Corpse Green, my father swears it's the best. First class.' 
The dwarf hefted-his axe uneasily. 'Well, er,' he said. 'Oh. But. Yes. Well, thank you. Only the finest ingredients, mark you.' 
'Chop them up with that, do you?' said Hwel innocently, pointing to the axe. 'Or is it your night off?' 
Thundergust's brows beetled again like a cockroach convention. 
'Here, you're not with the theatre?' 
'Tha's us,' said Tomjon. 'Strolling players.' He corrected himself. 'Standing-still players now. Haha.?With a distinct gradient perforation that can't be compared to all that many designs in history, Hussein Chalayan's Puma Haast places its name alongside standouts like the Air Moire and its women">">women nike air max 90 vt 90 Current hybrid.. Slidin'-down players now.' 
The dwarf dropped his axe and sat down on the bench, his face suddenly softened with enthusiasm. 
'I went last week,' he said. 'Bloody good, it was. There was this girl and this fellow, but she was married to this old man, and there was this other fellow, and they said he'd died, and she pined away and took poison, but then it turned out this man was the other man really, only he couldn't tell her on account of-' Thundergust stopped, and blew his nose. 'Everyone died in the end,' he said. 'Very tragic. I cried all the way home, I don't mind telling you. She was so pale.' 
'No. 19 and a layer of powder,' said Tomjon cheerfully. 'Plus a bit of brown eyeshadow.' 
'And a couple of hankies in the vest,' he added. 
'What's he saying?' said the dwarf to the company at, for want of a better word, large. 
Hwel smiled into his tankard. 
'Give 'em a bit of Gretalina's soliloquy, boy,' he said. 
'Right.1 commentTweetThe upcoming VNTG and EM renditions of women">">women nike air max 90 classics act like opposites of one another, with one going the rewind route and adding some aged yellowing and the other upgrading the build with Engineered Mesh.czfnk11.' 
Tomjon stood up, hit his head, sat down and then knelt on the floor as a compromise. He clasped his hands to what would have been, but for a few chance chromosomes, his bosom. 
'You lie who call it Summer . . .' he began. 
The assembled dwarfs listened in silence for several minutes. One of them dropped his axe, and was noisily hushed by the rest of them. 
'. . . and melting snow. Farewell,' Tomjon finished. 'Drinks phial, collapses behind battlements, down ladder, out of dress and into tabard for Comic Guard No.2, wait one, entrance left. What ho, good-' 
'That's about enough,' said Hwel quietly.

Samstag, 24. November 2012

When later Richard lay in her arms

When later Richard lay in her arms, she felt a tear roll off his face, and she asked him if something was wrong. He shook his head and said distantly that he had for so long feared losing her that sometimes he had believed he might go mad. It seemed as if he could finally allow himself release from his private terror. The pain Kahlan had first seen in his eyes when she couldn't remember his name was at last banished.    

Their marches into the mountains ranged farther and farther. Sometimes they took packs and spent the night in the woods, often in a wayward pine, when they could find one. The rugged terrain offered a never-ending variety of vistas. In places, sheer rock cliffs towered over them. In other places, they stood at the brink of sheer drops and watched the sun turn the sky orange and purple as it went down while wispy clouds drifted through quiet green valleys below. They went to towering waterfalls with their own rainbows. There were clear, sunlit pools up in the mountains where they swam.1 commentTweetThe yellow">">yellow nike air max 90+ 2012 boasts a tremendous range of colorblocking possibilities thanks to its layered Hyperfuse construction, but even with all this modern technology at work, some of the best colorways all year have been the most basic.. They ate on rocks overlooking rugged sights no one but they ever saw. They followed animal trails through vast woods of gnarled trees, and others among the dark forest floor where grew trees with trunks like huge brown columns, so big twenty men couldn't have joined hands around them.  

Richard had Kahlan practice with a bow to help strengthen her arms. They hunted small game for stews, or for roasting. Some they smoked and dried along with the fish they caught. Richard usually didn't eat meat, but occasionally he did. Not eating meat was part of the balance needed by his gift for when he was forced to kill. That need of balance was lessening because he wasn't killing. He was at peace. Perhaps the balance was now being served by his carving.?With a distinct gradient perforation that can't be compared to all that many designs in history, Hussein Chalayan's Puma Haast places its name alongside standouts like the Air Moire and its women">">women nike air max 90 vt 90 Current hybrid.. As time passed, he was able to eat more meat. When they were out on journeys, they usually ate rice and beans along with bannock and any berries they collected along the way, in addition to game they caught.  

Kahlan helped clean fish and salt them down and smoke yet others for their winter stores. It was a job that she had never before undertaken. They collected berries, nuts, and wild apples and put a lot of those away in the root cellar along with root crops he had purchased before coming up into the mountains. Richard dug up small apple trees, when he found any, and planted them in the meadow by the house so that, he said, someday they would have apples close at hand.  

Kahlan wondered how long he intended to keep them away from where they were needed. The silent question always hung there, seen by all, but unspoken. Cara never asked him, but she sometimes made some small mention of it to Kahlan when they were alone. She was Lord Rahl's guard, and glad to be close at hand, so she generally offered no objection.1 commentTweetThe upcoming VNTG and EM renditions of women">">women nike air max 90 classics act like opposites of one another, with one going the rewind route and adding some aged yellowing and the other upgrading the build with Engineered Mesh.czfnk11. He was, after all, Lord Rahl, and he was safe.  

Kahlan had always felt the weight of their responsibilities. Like the towering mountains all around, looming over them, always shadowing them, that responsibility could never be completely forgotten. As much as she loved the house Richard had built on the edge of the meadow, and as much as she loved exploring the rugged beautiful, imposing, and ever-changing mountains, with each passing day she mom and more felt that weight and the anxious need to be back where they were needed most. She fretted at what could be going on that they weren't aware of. The Imperial Order was not going to stay put; an army that size liked to move. Soldiers, especially soldiers of that ilk, became restless in long encampments, and sooner or later started causing trouble. She worried about all the people who needed the reassurance of Richard's presence, his guidance - and hers. There were people who their whole lives had depended on the Mother Confessor always being there to stand up for them.

Don t sweat it

 'Don't sweat it, sir.' He walked out of the compartment to pack up his gear. 
'You know, Dutch' - Admiral Podulski lit up a cigarette - 'we could have used that lad, back a few years. I think he would have fit in just fine.' It was far more than a 'few' years, but Maxwell knew the truth of the statement. They'd been young warriors once, and now was the time of the new generation. 
'Cas, I just hope he's careful.' 
'He will be. Just like we were.' 
The sea sled was wheeled out to the flight deck by the men who had prepared it. The helicopter was up and running now, its five-bladed rotor turning in the predawn darkness as Kelly walked through the watertight door.1 commentTweetThe yellow">">yellow nike air max 90+ 2012 boasts a tremendous range of colorblocking possibilities thanks to its layered Hyperfuse construction, but even with all this modern technology at work, some of the best colorways all year have been the most basic.. He took a deep breath before striding out. He'd never had an audience like this before. Irvin was there, along with three of the other senior Marine NCOs, and Albie, and the flag officers, and the Ritter guy, seeing him off like he was goddamned Miss America or something. But it was the two Navy chiefs who came up to him. 
'Batteries are fully charged. Your gear's in the container. It's watertight, so no problems there, sir. The rifle is loaded and chambered in case you need it in a hurry, safety on. New batteries for all the radios, and two sets of spares. If there's anything else to do, I don't know what it is,' the chief machinist's mate shouted over the sound of the helicopter engines. 
'Sounds good to me!' Kelly shouted back.?With a distinct gradient perforation that can't be compared to all that many designs in history, Hussein Chalayan's Puma Haast places its name alongside standouts like the Air Moire and its women">">women nike air max 90 vt 90 Current hybrid.. 
'Kick ass, Mr Clark!' 
'See you in a few - and thanks!' Kelly shook hands with the two chiefs, then went to see Captain Franks. For comic effect he stood at attention and saluted. 'Permission to leave the ship, sir.' 
Captain Franks returned it. 'Permission granted, sir.' 
Then Kelly looked at all the rest. First in, last out. A half smile and a nod were sufficient gestures for the moment, and at this moment they took their courage from him. 
The big Sikorsky rescue chopper lifted off a few feet. A crewman attached the sled to the bottom of the helo, and then it headed aft, out of the burble turbulence of Ogden's superstructure, flying off into the darkness without strobes and disappearing in a matter of seconds.1 commentTweetThe upcoming VNTG and EM renditions of women">">women nike air max 90 classics act like opposites of one another, with one going the rewind route and adding some aged yellowing and the other upgrading the build with Engineered Mesh.czfnk11. 
USS Skate was an old-fashioned submarine, modified and developed from the first nuclear boat, USS Nautilus. Her hull was shaped almost like that of a real ship rather than a whale, which made her relatively slow underwater, but her twin screws made for greater maneuverability, especially in shallow water. For years Skate had drawn the duty of inshore intelligence ship, creeping dose to the Vietnamese coast and raising whip antennas to snoop on radar and other electronic emissions. She'd also put more than one swimmer on the beach. That included Kelly, several years before, though there was not a single member of that crew still aboard to remember his face. He saw her on the surface, a black shape darker than the water that glistened with the waning quarter moon soon to be hidden by clouds. The helicopter pilot first of all set the sled on Skate's foredeck, where the sub's crew secured it in place. Then Kelly and his personal gear were lowered by hoist. A minute later he was in the sub's control room.

Freitag, 23. November 2012

I shall be a concubine at the heavenly court of King Zetesphut

 'I shall be a concubine at the heavenly court of King Zetesphut, who will dwell among the stars forever,' she said firmly. 
'You don't have to be,' said Ysabell sharply. The girl turned to her, wide-eyed. 
'Oh, but I must. I've been training for it,' she said, as she faded from view. 'I've only managed to be a handmaiden up till now.' 
She vanished. Ysabell stared with dark disapproval at the space she had occupied. 
'Well!' she said, and, 'Did you see what she had on?' 
'But it can't be true about King Whosis dwelling among the stars,' she grumbled as they found their way out of the crowded room. 'There's nothing but empty space up there.' 
IT'S HARD TO EXPLAIN, said Mort. HE'LL DWELL AMONG THE STARS IN HIS OWN MIND.1 commentTweetThe yellow">">yellow nike air max 90+ 2012 boasts a tremendous range of colorblocking possibilities thanks to its layered Hyperfuse construction, but even with all this modern technology at work, some of the best colorways all year have been the most basic.. 
'With slaves?' 
That's not very fair.' 
They hurried back along the avenues of waiting ghouls and were nearly running when they burst out into the desert night air. Ysabell leaned against the rough stonework and panted for breath. 
Mort wasn't out of breath. 
He wasn't breathing. 
'But I thought you wanted to rescue the princess!' 
Mort shook his head. 
She ran forward and grabbed his arm as he turned towards the waiting Binky.?With a distinct gradient perforation that can't be compared to all that many designs in history, Hussein Chalayan's Puma Haast places its name alongside standouts like the Air Moire and its women">">women nike air max 90 vt 90 Current hybrid.. He removed her hand gently. 
'It's all in your own mind!' yelled Ysabell. 'You're whatever you think you are!' 
She stopped and looked down. The sand around Mort's feet was beginning to whip up in little spurts and twirling dust devils. 
There was a crackle in the air, and a greasy feel. Mort looked uneasy. 
It hit like a hammer, a force from out of the sky that blew the sand into a crater. There was a low buzzing and the smell of hot tin. 
Mort looked around himself in the gale of rushing sand, turning as if in a dream, alone in the calm centre of the gale. Lightning flashed in the whirling cloud. Deep inside his own mind he struggled to break free, but something had him in its grip and he could no more resist than a compass needle can ignore the compulsion to point towards the Hub. 
At last he found what he was searching for.1 commentTweetThe upcoming VNTG and EM renditions of women">">women nike air max 90 classics act like opposites of one another, with one going the rewind route and adding some aged yellowing and the other upgrading the build with Engineered Mesh.czfnk11. It was a doorway edged in octarine light, leading to a short tunnel. There were figures at the other end, beckoning to him. 
I COME, he said, and then turned as he heard the sudden noise behind him. Eleven stone of young womanhood hit him squarely in the chest, lifting him off the ground. 
Mort landed with Ysabell kneeling on him, holding on grimly to his arms. 
'Not you, idiot!' 
She stared into the blue, pupil-less pools of his eyes. It was like looking down a rushing tunnel. 
Mort arched his back and screamed a curse so ancient and virulent that in the strong magical field it actually took on a form, flapped its leathery wings and slunk away. A private thunderstorm crashed around the sand dunes.

Fifteen years

 'Fifteen years?' said the Mayor of Lancre. 
'We had to,' said Granny Weatherwax. 
'I thought the baker was a bit early last week.' 
'No, no,' said the witch impatiently. 'It doesn't work like that. No-one's lost anything.' 
'According to my figuring,' said the man who doubled as Lancre's beadle, town clerk and gravedigger, 'we've all lost fifteen years.' 
'No, we've all gained them,' said the mayor. 'It stands to reason. Time's like this sort of wiggly road, see, but we took a short cut across the fields.' 
'Not at all,' said the clerk, sliding a sheet of paper across the table. 'Look here . . .1 commentTweetThe yellow">">yellow nike air max 90+ 2012 boasts a tremendous range of colorblocking possibilities thanks to its layered Hyperfuse construction, but even with all this modern technology at work, some of the best colorways all year have been the most basic..' 
Tomjon let the waters of debate close over him again. 
Everyone wanted him to be king. No-one thought twice about what he wanted. His views didn't count. 
Yes, that was it. No-one wanted him to be king, not precisely him. He just happened to be convenient. 
Gold does not tarnish, at least physically, but Tomjon felt that the thin band of metal in his hands had an unpleasant depth to its lustre. It had sat on too many troubled heads. If you held it to your ear, you could hear the screams. 
He became aware of someone else looking at him, their gaze playing across his face like a blowlamp on a lolly. He looked up. 
It was the third witch, the young .?With a distinct gradient perforation that can't be compared to all that many designs in history, Hussein Chalayan's Puma Haast places its name alongside standouts like the Air Moire and its women">">women nike air max 90 vt 90 Current hybrid.. . . the youngest one, with the intense expression and the hedgerow hairstyle. Sitting next to old Fool as though she owned a controlling interest. 
It wasn't his face she was examining. It was his features. Her eyeballs were tracking him from nape to nose like a pair of calipers. He gave her a little brave smile, which she ignored. Just like everyone else, he thought. 
Only the Fool noticed him, and returned the smile with an apologetic grin and a tiny conspiratorial wave of the fingers that said: 'What are we doing here, two sensible people like us?' The woman was looking at him again, turning her head this way and that and narrowing her eyes. She kept glancing at Fool and back to Tomjon. Then she turned to the oldest witch, the only person in the entire hot, damp room who seemed to have acquired a mug of beer, and whispered in her ear. 
The two started a spirited, whispered conversation.1 commentTweetThe upcoming VNTG and EM renditions of women">">women nike air max 90 classics act like opposites of one another, with one going the rewind route and adding some aged yellowing and the other upgrading the build with Engineered Mesh.czfnk11. It was, thought Tomjon, a particularly feminine way of talking. It normally took place on doorsteps, with all the participants standing with their arms folded and, if anyone was so ungracious as to walk past, they'd stop abruptly and watch them in silence until they were safely out of earshot. 
He became aware that Granny Weatherwax had stopped talking, and that the entire hall was staring at him expectantly. 
'Hallo?' he said. 
'It might be a good idea to hold the coronation tomorrow,' said Granny. 'It's not good for a kingdom to be without a ruler. It doesn't like it.' 
She stood up, pushed back her chair, and came and took Tomjon's hand. He followed her unprotestingly across the flagstones and up the steps to the throne, where she put her hands on his shoulders and pressed him gently down on to the threadbare red plush cushions. 
There was a scraping of benches and chairs. He looked around in panic.

Is this a dagger I see before me

 'Is this a dagger I see before me?' he mumbled. 
'Um. No, my lord. It's my handkerchief, you see. You can sort of tell the difference if you look closely. It doesn't have as many sharp edges.' 
'Good fool,' said the duke, vaguely. 
Totally mad, the Fool thought. Several bricks short of a bundle. So far round the twist you could use him to open wine bottles. 
'Kneel beside me, my Fool.' 
The Fool did so. The duke laid a soiled bandage on his shoulder. 
'Are you loyal, Fool?' he said. 'Are you trustworthy?' 
'I swore to follow my lord until death,' said the Fool hoarsely. 
The duke pressed his mad face close to the Fool, who looked up into a pair of bloodshot eyes. 
'I didn't want to,' he hissed conspiratorially. 'They made me do it.1 commentTweetThe yellow">">yellow nike air max 90+ 2012 boasts a tremendous range of colorblocking possibilities thanks to its layered Hyperfuse construction, but even with all this modern technology at work, some of the best colorways all year have been the most basic.. I didn't want-' 
The door swung open. The duchess filled the doorway. In fact, she was nearly the same shape. 
'Leonal!' she barked. 
The Fool was fascinated by what happened to the duke's eyes. The mad red flame vanished, was sucked backwards, and was replaced by the hard blue stare he had come to recognise. It didn't mean, he realised, that the duke was any less mad. Even the coldness of his sanity was madness in a way. The duke had a mind that ticked like a clock and, like a clock, it regularly went cuckoo. 
Lord Felmet looked up calmly. 
'Yes, my dear?' 
'What is the meaning of all this?' she demanded. 
'Witches, I suspect,' said Lord Felmet. 
'I really don't think-' the Fool began. Lady Felmet's glare didn't merely silence him, it almost nailed him to the wall. 
'That is clearly apparent,' she said. 'You are an idiot.' 
'A Fool, my lady.' 
'As well,' she added, and turned back to her husband.?With a distinct gradient perforation that can't be compared to all that many designs in history, Hussein Chalayan's Puma Haast places its name alongside standouts like the Air Moire and its women">">women nike air max 90 vt 90 Current hybrid.. 
'So,' she said, smiling grimly. 'Still they defy you?' 
The duke shrugged. 'How should I fight magic?' he said. 
'With words,' said the Fool, without thinking, and was instantly sorry. They were both staring at him. 
'What?' said the duchess. 
The Fool dropped his mandolin in his embarrassment. 
'In - in the Guild,' said the Fool, 'we learned that words can be more powerful even than magic.' 
'Clown!' said the duke. 'Words are just words. Brief syllables. Sticks and stones may break my bones-' he paused, savouring the thought - 'but words can never hurt me.' 
'My lord, there are such words that can,' said the Fool. 'Liar! Usurper! Murderer!' 
The duke jerked back and gripped the arms of the throne, wincing. 
'Such words have no truth,' said the Fool, hurriedly. 
'But they can spread like fire underground, breaking out to burn-' 
'It's true! It's true!' screamed the duke. 'I hear them, all the time!' He leaned forward.1 commentTweetThe upcoming VNTG and EM renditions of women">">women nike air max 90 classics act like opposites of one another, with one going the rewind route and adding some aged yellowing and the other upgrading the build with Engineered Mesh.czfnk11. 'It's the witches!' he hissed. 
'Then, then, then they can be fought with other words,' said the Fool, 'Words can fight even witches,' 
'What words?' said the duchess, thoughtfully. 
The Fool shrugged. 'Crone. Evil eye. Stupid old woman.' 
The duchess raised one thick eyebrow. 
'You are not entirely an idiot, are you,' she said. 'You refer to rumour.' 
'Just so, my lady.' The Fool rolled his eyes. What had he got himself into? 
'It's the witches,' whispered the duke, to no-one in particular. 'We must tell the world about the witches. They're evil. They make it come back, the blood. Even sandpaper doesn't work.'

Dienstag, 20. November 2012

More flights arriving late American is highest tardy

DALLAS (AP) Dragged down at problems along American Airlines, U.S. carriers operated fewer flights on time among September than a annual ago.

The Transportation Department said Thursday that 83.three percentage of entire flights were in due time down from 83.nine percentage amid September 2011 barely an adjustment from percent in August of this daily.

The best on-time performance was turned surrounded by Hawaiian Airlines,by 96 percentage The airline benefits from operating many short flights among generally appealing weather.

AirTran Airways was second,by 91 percentage followed by Delta Air Lines and Alaska Airlines at virtually 90 percent.

American Airlines was as yet the worst, with equitable 58 percentage of flights arriving no more than 14 minutes after schedule American has blamed its poor performance aboard what it called an illegal go slowdown at pilots unhappy that the airline adapt the bankruptcy process to hack their expenditure and benefits in early September.

American likewise had the maximum cancellation rate along percent alternatively an,304 flights. All the additional major airlines were under an percent American accounted for one-third of all canceled flights among September.

According to the airlines, there were not servant flights stuck aboard the tarmac as more than three hours alternatively any international flights delayed at by least four hours. Those kinds of long delays have dropped since the administration threatened to impose colossal fines last yearly Airlines usually prefer instead to cancel flights that are threaten to be several hours late.

Passengers reported a slightly lower rate of lost or mishandled baggage wayward bags were a bigger problem on regional airlines that connect passengers to bigger airlines at enormous,heart airports.

Your chances of getting bumped from a flight grew this summer up 38 percent from July through September compared with the same period last anniversary But forced bumpings were still rare; one among 10,000 passengers,by to the authority Among the largest airlines, United Airlines was most threaten to bump someone.

Consumer complaints ticked up slightly,although few travelers disturb to file formal protests with the Transportation Department. Complaints were most possible against United and American, least possible against Southwest Airlines and Alaska Airlines.


The Department of Transportation's latest every month consumer report aboard airlines can be base online at:
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Monitors Satellite Images Show Air Strike Damage among Sudan

Days after Sudanese officials blamed Israel as launching an atmosphere beat on a weapons vegetation south of the African nation's central a monitoring group said satellite images arise to show abuse consistent with an supernal bombing.

The Satellite Sentinel Project (SSP), a George Clooney-backed partnership between the anti-genocide non-profit Enough Project and the satellite imaging company DigitalGlobe, published birds-eye imagery taken Oct. 25, two days after a large explosion erupted from the Yarmouk weapons plant.

The images arise to show the perfect destruction of a 60-meter-long "shed-type"architecture as well as almost 40 shipping containers approximately it,along with damage to plant buildings as far for 700 meters away from the epicenter of the explosions, according to the SSP report. The report identified several 16-meter-wide craters is it said were "consistent with clash craters created forward air-delivered munitions."

DOWNLOAD: Satellite Sentinel Project: Explosions in Khartoum (PDF)

Within hours of Tuesday's overnight explosions,altitude Sudanese officials blamed Israel for carrying out what would have been a long-range supernal assault. Two folk were reportedly killed in the blast. Israeli officials have declined to comment aboard the incident but a top naval aide, Amos Gilad, said Thursday namely Sudan namely a "dangerous bandit state."

"To know accurate what happened, it will take some period to understand," he said.

Israel has long accused Sudan of creature a base of advocate for Iran and the Palestinian militant group Hamas,profession it a conduit for arms heading to militant groups in the Gaza Strip through Egypt's Sinai Peninsula.

"The images show just how precise and envision this buffet was," said Steve Ganyard, a former Marine Corps pilot and an ABC News consultant. "The Israelis knew accurate what they wanted to damage"

Haaretz, an Israeli news outlet reported last week is opposition sources" in the Sudan claimed the factory itself was really owned and operated by Iran's essence Revolutionary Guard. Alex Fishman, an Israeli naval analyst, agreed.

"One thing namely certain: That factory did not belong to the Sudanese naval industries," he said last week. "It was a plant namely belonged to the ministry in Tehran and which was escape along Iranians. If there were any casualties in the assault it is reasonable to assume is some of them were Iranian."

ANALYSIS: Why an Israeli Attack in Sudan Wouldn't Be Practice as Iran

Also over the weekend, the United Kingdom's Sunday Times published a scrupulous report on the claimed invasion citing defense sources, which attested the explosions were the sequel of an Israeli operation carried out onward eight F-15 jets,one refueling tanker, two helicopters and one sleek signals intelligence Gulf Stream spout.

The Times likewise reported is the American administration had been warned of the invasion and closed its embassy in Khartoum the day afterward the episode for a precaution against any local violence. But U.S. State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland told reporters last week namely the decision to approach the embassy was only made then word of the explosion spread.

A regional Sudanese newspaper today reported namely CIA brain David Petraeus called a top Sudanese realization official to mention namely America did never have anything to do with the evident assault The CIA declined to explain for this report.

ABC News' Dana Hughes contributed to this report.
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Sonntag, 18. November 2012

General s barricade crew works to discredit accuser

FORT BRAGG, N.C. (AP) Defense lawyers representing one Army general facing sexual misconduct charges aimed Thursday to paint his primary complainant as a liar prone to spite and emotional overreactions.

The female captain along the centre of the government's case against Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Sinclair admits she carried aboard a 3-year sexual relationship with her marital supervisor Adultery namely a guilt below naval verdict and the admission could end her vocation.

But she also testified earlier this week along an evidentiary hearing that she repeatedly tried to jump out at the business with Sinclair, who she says threatened to kill her and her home if she told anyone almost their prevalent sexual liaisons surrounded hotels, headquarters and battle zones.

The woman admitted she typically wanted to have sex with the common,however on two occasions among Afghanistan she says he exposed himself and physically forced her to perform oral sex, even as she sobbed. The Associated Press does never publically nail victims of attested sexual assaults.

In her closing contention defense solicitor Maj. Elizabeth Ramsey said the complainant was a scorned lover trying to ruin the life of an outstanding warrior and patriot.

"Her lies are her fury," Ramsey said. "And these charges are Jeff Sinclair's perdition"

Prosecutors presented a revise version of the general's character.

"Gen. Sinclair has busy surrounded deliberate, degrading lesson of conduct where he targets his subordinates to satisfy his abhorrent desires," said Lt. Col. William Helixon, the adviser prosecutor.

A 27-year Army veteran who served five combat tours, Sinclair faces a long account of charges including forcible sodomy, wrongful sexual conduct, violating orders, engaging among inappropriate relationships and adultery. The allegations involve Sinclair's conduct with five women who are not his wife,however the female captain is the only one who says he adapt physical force. Two female officers who had served with Sinclair testified Wednesday that had given the common naked photos at his apply.

Sinclair was deputy commander in charge of logistics and advocate as the 82nd Airborne Division among Afghanistan ahead being abruptly relieved in May during the criminal needle He has been aboard special assignment since afterward at Fort Bragg, the sprawling Army post in Asian North Carolina.

Under the naval referee system, a superior officer to the accused among this case Maj. Gen. Perry L. Wiggins namely assigned to reiterate the prove along an Article 32 hearing. Wiggins ambition subsequently recommend to a still-higher-ranking officer 18th Airborne Corps supervisor Lt. Gen. Daniel B. Allyn if the charges ought continue to a full court-martial. It could be weeks ahead a decision namely made. If Allyn sends the case to trial, Sinclair faces life in prison if convicted aboard the maximum solemn criminal charges.

Ramsey, the barricade floor suggested among her closing dialectic that the mutual was nefarious only of adultery and fraternization, punishable by a written reprimand. She said Sinclair had passed a polygraph test during which he denied ever forcing the captain to have oral sex with him.

She said Sinclair had suffered for months amongst the partial public humiliation of his home by medium reports and that allowing the charges to work forward would cause"actual sexual aggression victims to suffer"

Without any witnesses to the attested assault or physical certify it has been the primary mission of the three naval lawyers assigned to defend Sinclair to break the female captain's credibility. They characterized her as a lunatic and manipulative "back-stabber" who blamed others for her mistakes.

"She wanted to take everything from him his wife, his family his career Ramsey said. "She namely addition lies in a desperate attempt to get someone to deem that Gen. Sinclair forced her to be with him."

As the hearing entered its fourth daytime Thursday, the barricade called to the spectator stand Chief Warrant Officer Jose Serbia. He was a coworker and workout buddy of the female captain's. He said she first tearfully confided surrounded almost the commerce on March 19, the day she base messages from repeatedly female in the general's naval e-mail account, which she checked as chapter of her job.

Serbia testified the petticoat told him how Sinclair had threatened to kill her. But while Serbia asked the captain if Sinclair had raped her, he said she replied that he had never It wasn't until she later made a puritanical complaint that she alleged Sinclair forced her to perform oral sex.

After making her report to Sinclair's superior, the woman's security clearance was suspended and she was relieved of her duties. She was likewise referred for a cerebral health certification.

The barricade likewise added to a array of man officers who praised Sinclair meantime describing the female captain as a liar and loose cannon.

Capt. Joseph D'Elia, who served as Sinclair's administrative commander among Afghanistan, described the accuser as "volatile" and her moods as eccentric However, he behind agreed with guide prosecutor Helixon that the secluded commerce with the common might explain her emotional swings.

First Lt. Michael Piccini,one assistant to Sinclair, described the complainant as never truthful"meantime characterizing Sinclair a "great actuator and mentor whom he had never seen doing inappropriately.

Helixon pounced, asking the juvenile lieutenant whether a "great leader carried on a 3-year extramarital affair with a direct subordinate alternatively asked additional female officers to cater him with undressed photos of themselves.

"No," Piccini agreed.


Follow AP lyricist Michael Biesecker by
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Blair Iraq s economy growing since Saddam ousted

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Former British Prime Minister Tony..
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Former British Prime Minister Tony..
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Former British Prime Minister Tony..

LONDON (AP) Former Prime Minister Tony Blair said Monday that British forces should be proud of their temperament among the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, citing what he claimed was important social and economic progress since the toppling of Saddam Hussein within 2003.

Blair said that Iraq was promising apt be one of the world's fastest growing economies over the afterward decade He hailed drastically lower child mortality rates and trumpeted developments within the southern metropolis of Basra, where maximum U.K. forces were based after the invasion.

However, making a rare talk aboard Iraq the maximum divisive issue of his decade in power the ex-leader acknowledged that parts of the nation continued to undergo from terrorism and destabilizing political tensions.

Underscoring the security challenges, two automobile bombs exploded Monday approximately Baghdad, killing four folk and wounding at least 17,along apt police and hospital officials.

Blair, elected among 1997, faced huge avenue protests among 2003 opposition Britain's involvement among the war and was pertinacious by accusations that he had shown blind subservience to the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush. However, Blair went aboard apt win a 2005 British election,notwithstanding with a reduced majority.

He told a conference of the Iraq Britain Business Council amid chief London that British forces "helped liberate Iraq from Saddam, and as years with much heroism and sacrifice helped Basra survive the sectarian aftermath. They ought be arrogant of what they achieved."

Blair has made two humbling appearances before Britain's national inquiry into the Iraq battle and was heckled as he offered one penance to the families of naval personnel killed surrounded the conflict.

The inquiry's report on the contentious buildup to the battle and mistakes in planning as the aftermath of Saddam's fall,is scheduled apt be completed according mid-2013.

In his discourse Blair said that Iraq would have economic growth of around nine percentage among 2012, and that its annual oil revenue of nearly $100 billion per annual was predicted to treble along 2020.

On Iraq's progress since the 2003 invasion, he insisted it was "important not apt exaggerate it,yet equally important not apt bypass it."

Though Blair urged British businesses and alien investors to quest out opportunities surrounded Iraq, he acknowledged the nation still faced many problems.

"The challenges that Iraq still faces are obvious: continuing security problems of terrorism,especially approximately Baghdad; services and infrastructure still distant beneath what they can and ought be; and bureaucracy and corruption," Blair said.

"Political tensions remain lofty and constantly adviser apt deadlock meantime the country urgently needs deed There namely also the turmoil amid the region,never least surrounded Syria," he added.


Associated Press author Adam Schreck amid Baghdad contributed apt this report.
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